Flow vs L1s
May 29, 2022 - Q3. Create a dashboard comparing the following metrics between Flow, Solana, Ethereum, and Algorand. Visualize these metrics over time since May 9th. -Number of transactions -Transaction success rates -Number of unique wallets to make a transaction -Number of wallets that used the chain everyday since May 9th -Transaction fees How does Flow compare to these other chains and how do you think it will trend over time?
Analysis of NFT Trading Activity in Selected User's Wallet
Jun 2, 2023 - Important: chosen dates should contain " ' " to run. like '2022-01-01'
Volume Scoring with NBA Top Shot
Jun 4, 2022 - Q5. NBA Top Shot allows users to buy, sell, and collect NBA NFTs that showcase influential “Moments” minted on the FLOW blockchain. Create a visualization tracking the total sales volume traded on NBA Top Shot since May 9th by day. How many unique wallets have made a trade on Top Shot over that timeframe?