david_m4 | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Nov 18, 2021
    Provide UST into the Nebula Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool
    deposit to anchor
    deposit matic---borrow usdc
    delegate tx
    Add liquidity
    bridge ETH from optimism to arbitrum
    LP creation transaction
    2)Number of swaps from ALGO to other ASAs
    refract LUNA into yLUNA and pLUNA
    stake transaction in flipside pool
    TX 2: provide liquidity by osmo and atom
    polygon hunt
    How much i spent on fees
    amount of ALGOs moved to CEXs
    Stake Anc
    Stake transaction
    Mint Luna/bLuna
    popular ASAs in 2022
    Buy Astro
    Untitled Query
    deposit transaction
    Stake SNX transaction
    apollo transaction
    Query3:Deposit UST to bid for liquidations
    borrow ETH transaction
    stake neb
    Stake YLDY
    my asset balance
    which protocol i spent the most money on
    limit order TX
    stake snx(mint susd)
    buy kntc
    buy snx transaction
    Untitled Query
    claim assets from wormhole
    transfer SNX from polygon to optimism transaction
    1)Number of swaps From algo by DEX
    bridge eth to optimism
    ALGOs moved from CEXs
    claim rewards