Affiliate Summary: Last 7 Days
Dec 12, 2022 - Details integration affiliate activity over the last 7 days. An "affiliate" tx is defined as one that includes an affiliate THORName, and thus can be tied to a specific THORChain integration.
Jul 15, 2024 - Query all swaps for a specific affiliate THORName in a date range.
Failed Refunds + Swap too Small
May 2, 2023 - This dashboard gives details about failed refunds, and swaps that are refunded because they are not large enough to pay for fees. Overall, this dashboard shows that there needs to be better enforcement of a minimum swap size through THORChain. In the case of failed refunds, the user loses their full swap. And in the case of swaps refunded because they are too small to pay fees, the user loses a good amount of their principal by paying the outbound fee of the originating chain. B