Wallet Balances & Ecosystem Growth
Oct 26, 2022 - With the launch of Flipside's new Balances table, let's take a look at how the story of Osmosis can be told through wallet balances. Provide insights into following metrics: How has the ratio of liquid to staked OSMO changed overtime? Are the top 100 OSMO holders the same now as they were at the start of the year? What is the current average OSMO per wallet? How has that value changed over time? Plot average OSMO/wallet against user growth. Do wallets normally hold a majority of OSMO, or another token? How has this changed over time? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Not Your Keys
Nov 18, 2022 - In wake of the issues surrounding FTX, the old adage "not your keys, not your crypto" reinforces itself. Let's see how this played out during the fallout. Did bridge activity spike over the last 7 days? If so, to what ecosystems? At a more granular level, track net outflows from FTX onto Ethereum. Did any of these outflows flow across Satellite to another destination chain? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
ETH Down Bad
Nov 24, 2022 - The price of Ethereum has sank in recent days - how does it compare to other tokens amid a general market downturn? Can you find evidence of any potential causes for ETH's struggle? Are there any other indicators that could help us predict whether/when it could recover? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Binance Bonanza
Nov 2, 2022 - On October 28th, 2022 Binance became the first CEX to list spot trading for $OSMO. Abruptly, OSMO price shot up around 32%. How did this news impact trading on Osmosis. Analyze OSMO trading activity on October 28th and this past week vs. daily & weekly averages. This analysis should occur against two time periods: the 60-day averages & the 60-days prior to the May Terra collapse. Did any other tokens see a spike in trading on Osmosis? Further, can you trace OSMO liquidity flowing into Binance in the last few days? Centralized exchange listings of OSMO are permissionless so liquidity on Binance should be funded through purchases on Osmosis. Note: given this question is being released BEFORE the week of analysis in question please structure your queries accordingly to capture the data that will be populated in the future. Please create dynamically updated queries. BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Axelar Token Launch
Sep 28, 2022 - Axelar recently launched its native token, AXL, and we're celebrating with some bounties! For this bounty, analyze the activity within the AXL/OSMO pool (#812), as well as trading activity on the Osmosis DEX. Note any trends or outliers you see. BONUS: The best dashboards will update over time
axlUSDC: Soon to be forgotten?
Nov 4, 2022 - Recently, Circle announced the implementation of an IBC-native USDC, inserting itself into an ecosystem where axlUSDC currently dominates. Let's look at how pervasive axlUSDC is within IBC. Track Satellite bridge activity strictly related to axlUSDC transfer. Which app-chains have the most/least flows of axlUSDC? Looking at Osmosis specifically, analyze how dominant axlUSDC has become compared to both ATOM and other USDC assets in trading and pools. Hint: You will need to analyze both Axelar tables and Osmosis tables for the second half of this question. BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Osmosis Governance: 362 and Beyond
Nov 23, 2022 - Let's take a look at the governance behavior surrounding Proposal 362. On the outside, it seems that a ton of voters have been switching their votes - is this actually true, or is it just big whales/validators causing these swings? What is the average wallet size (in OSMO) of the people voting? Of the people who have changed their vote more than once? Compare and contrast voting behavior of validators and average users in this context. Further, is Prop 362 significantly different than other proposals from an engagement perspective? Analyze voting for 362 vs. other recent governance proposals. BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
User Segmentation Analysis
Jan 3, 2023 - Last week we analyzed how users join pools, single or double-sided, which showed that most users join two-sided. This means that most users are already engaged within the Osmosis ecosystem. Let's analyze a typical user journey through Osmosis. Analyze the following: The most common ways of entering Osmosis (Axelar (Satellite) or elsewhere). The most common asset transferred into Osmosis for first transfer. Stay or leave: What do wallets do when they first come to Osmosis? Join to swap and then transfer that asset out? Join to stake OSMO? Join to swap and then LP? Which assets are most commonly swapped for and transferred out? Which assets are most commonly swapped for and then LP'd? Calculate the above from both a volume and # of user standpoint. BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Pool of The Week
Dec 8, 2022 - Since the start of November, the Osmosis Support Labs team has run the Pool of the Week program, highlighting important and/or new pools within the ecosystem. What kind of impact has this program had on the liquidity of these pools? Track LP volume in and out of these pools based on the following dates: 11/11/22 Pool 833 - stOSMO / OSMO. 11/15/22 Pool 837 - IST / OSMO. 11/22/22 Pool 840 - BNB / OSMO. 11/29/22 Pool 634 - wETH.grv / OSMO. For each pool track from date above to present. BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Swap Fees
Jun 28, 2022 - Do fees on Osmosis differ when users swap to or from different tokens? On average, which tokens have the highest and lowest swap fees on Osmosis?
Daily Active User
Oct 18, 2022 - What does a Daily Active User look like on Osmosis? First, plot out how many DAUs there are on Osmosis. For this exercise, consider a DAU would be any wallet transacting on Osmosis a majority of days every week. Once you have the DAUs, what does their activity look like? Do they LP more or swap more? How often do they transfer tokens into Osmosis? Where are these transfers coming from? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Axelar Bridge
Nov 25, 2022 - In previous bounties, we have tracked token flows using Satellite. Today, let's take that a step further and plot out user types and their behavior leveraging Axelar's bridge. How often are people using Satellite - one-time transfers into IBC or more consistent/steady streams? Does this vary based on wallet size? Does this vary based on the ecosystem they are bridging from/to? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Stablecoin Dominance
Jun 28, 2022 - Compare the transaction volume for USDC, USDT, and DAI on Osmosis. Is there a stable coin that Osmosis users prefer? Extra credit: Is stablecoin dominance the same on Osmosis as it is on Sushiswap and Thorchain? Why might this be or not be the case?
Axelar & Osmosis: Liquidity on Liquidity
Nov 11, 2022 - Analyze activity on Osmosis once a user bridges via Axlear's Satellite. What asset do they most use to bridge? Once bridged what do they do next? Osmosis is far and away the liquidity hub of the Cosmos. Axelar is acting as the primary liquidity bridge into ecosystem. Analyze activity on Osmosis once a user bridges via Axlear's Satellite. What asset do they most use to bridge? Once bridged what do they do next? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Hot Contracts on Osmosis
Jul 12, 2022 - A lot of new contracts are being deployed on Osmosis lately. Since the beginning of May, answer the following questions: What are the top ten most popular contracts on Osmosis? What is the cumulative total of contracts launched on Osmosis, and have there been any spikes since the Terra crash or other noteworthy events?
$AXL Token Recap
Dec 1, 2022 - Since the $AXL token launch, how have wallets that bought $AXL used it? Are most wallets hodling or trading? What is the average holding period for wallets buying $AXL in the last month? Generally speaking, have users kept $AXL on exchange (in their Osmosis wallet) or have they bridge to other places? Analyze $AXL balances on Osmosis as compared to native on Axelar. How have these balances changed over time? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Decentralizing Power: Governance & the Active Set (Part 2)
Nov 10, 2022 - Props 114, 196 & 337 were all passed in an effort to promote decentralization within the ecosystem. After these proposals, how was governance impacted by this effort? Analyze the participation of the new validators on the governance proposals after the active set increases. Did new validators vote more or less than the original top 66% of validators? Did time play a factor? Analyze changes in governance participation t+30,+60,+90 days after these proposals. BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
The Unstakeeeeers
Jul 20, 2022 - How frequently do users on Osmosis unstake their Osmosis? What do they do with the OSMO once unstaked? Do they re-delegate, enter a LP position, or swap into another token? Do they re-delegate to certain validators more frequently than others? Why might this be so?
Osmosis Governance
Jun 22, 2022 - In this dashboard, I looked at the number of wallets activated in Osmosis governance proposals, as well as how long it takes for a wallet to run after becoming active in government.
DEX Change
Nov 17, 2022 - This week has highlighted the need for transparency & decentralization in crypto markets. Let's see how users have reacted to this wild week in Web3. Have behaviors changed? Analyze growth in Osmosis Volumes & User Count this week. Has more money flowed into Osmosis this week compared to the past few weeks/months? Where is this money coming from? Centralized Exchanges? Have wallets moved more into stables? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
SuperFluid Validating
Dec 20, 2022 - There are 16 SuperFluid Staking pools currently available on Osmosis (1, 678, 704, 712, 674, 722, 9, 604, 497, 812, 584, 3, 481, 42, 463, 15). What impact would a slashing event have on the OSMO liquidity of these pools? Analyze the distribution of superfluid-staked OSMO across these pools. Which validators have the most SFS OSMO in total, and per pool? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Ecosystem Entrances
Oct 28, 2022 - Welcome to Axelar! What better to way to get used to Axelar data than to analyze how people enter the ecosystem? With that in mind, analyze the activity that occurs on Axelar's Satellite Bridge. Since inception, what are the top paths over Satellite. by volume and $ amount? What is the most used token to transfer (USDC, wETH, wAXL, etc.)? Top analyses will show bridging activity since inception and analyze how that has changed over time.
Cosmoverse Free Play
Oct 12, 2022 - Cosmoverse was full of amazing announcements and alpha leaks. Analyze your favorite token’s LP & trading activity on Osmosis over the past week. Please provide volume and user growth metrics into this analysis and focus on deep insights on ONE token. BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
DOT DOT, Who's There?
Dec 13, 2022 - Like most assets in the last two years, DOT saw a meteoric rise in 2021 followed by a crater in 2022. However, DOT there still remains a little bit of DOT liquidity and volume flowing through Osmosis. Is the trading activity of DOT on Osmosis real user activity, or is this just arbitrageurs? How many users are active in Pool 773 every day, week, month? BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Hop In the Pool
Nov 28, 2022 - Analyze how users join pools on Osmosis. Do they dive in headfirst (add both assets; joinpool) or do they wade in carefully (singleside; join swap extern amount in). Also analyze how deep the pool is (typical swap size in token and USD for both activities). BONUS: Post your dashboard on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto and any relevant accounts!
Transaction Fees
May 23, 2022 - In this dashboard, in the first part, we dealt with the amount of fees paid in the last 30 days, and then, by examining the transactions, we concluded which type of transaction received greater amount of fees .
Osmosis Scavenger Hunt
Jun 20, 2022 - In this hunt, i learned create a Keplr wallet and fund it with ATOM tokens, swap ATOM for OSMO using Osmosis and stake tokens using Osmosis.