ERC20 balance: Skill-building Bounty 4
Aug 24, 2022 - Using the ethereum.core.ez_current_balances table, choose your favorite erc20 token and create a chart that shows the latest top 10 holders of that token with the token amounts. Then, create the same graph but this time showing the USD prices of that token instead of the amount.
MakerDao: Skill-building Bounty 3
Aug 24, 2022 - Using a combination of ethereum.maker.ez_deposits , ethereum.maker.ez_vault_creation and ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers Create a scatter plot showing the percentage of DAI borrowed divided by the WETH deposited (in USD values) Who are the top borrowers?
Untitled Board
Aug 31, 2022 - Pick a NFT of your choice. Then, find a sample NFT minting transaction’s tx_hash and look at the data from both ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints and ethereum.core.fact_event_logs with this tx_hash. Then, we’ll try to decipher what we see from etherscan and how it relates back to the fact_event_logs table.