nadiabi | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Feb 17, 2022
    Untitled Query
    buy some sushi with limit order
    Vol Algo from Cex
    swap Luna to pLuna and yLuna
    swap ust to kntc
    Vol Algo to Cex
    Show the breakout of number of gALGO3 swaps(to or from) by day for each dex
    Untitled Query
    Number of unique wallets in march
    swap tst to tusdc
    Untitled Query
    Deposit Ust in Kujira and create bid on bLUNA
    swap yLuna to prism
    chart the volume of trades from gALGO3
    swap ust to neb
    What are the top 10 most popular to swap to from gALGO3?
    stake kntc
    Bots and success rate
    Untitled Query
    Untitled Query
    recive Luna on solana blockchain
    amount of msol deposited in march
    borrow sushi from sushiswap
    active my wallet
    Stake some DPX in a SSOV
    What are the top 10 most popular to swap from to get gALGO3?
    Swap UST to KUJI
    Untitled Query
    Deposit some ETH on Arbitrum
    deposit to bentobox
    create lp token with pLuna and prism
    borrow some sushi from bentobox on sushiapp
    Untitled Query
    bridge some Luna
    Show the number of trades to gALGO3 and from gALGO3 by day?
    mint tst
    stake some Kuji
    chart the volume of trades to gALGO3
    Swap some ETH to DPX
    deposit Rune in Thorswap pool