alitaslimiTransfers Transferring Users
    Updated 2023-05-17
    -------------------------------------------------- Algorand --------------------------------------------------
    -- Algorand AS (
    -- SELECT
    -- block_timestamp,
    -- tx_id AS tx,
    -- tx_sender AS user,
    -- address_name AS user_name,
    -- label_type AS wallet_type,
    -- amount,
    -- CASE
    -- WHEN amount < 1 THEN '<1'
    -- WHEN amount >= 1 AND amount < 10 THEN '1-10'
    -- WHEN amount >= 10 AND amount < 100 THEN '10-100'
    -- WHEN amount >= 100 AND amount < 1000 THEN '100-1000'
    -- WHEN amount >= 1000 AND amount < 10000 THEN '1000-10000'
    -- WHEN amount >= 10000 AND amount < 100000 THEN '10000-100000'
    -- ELSE '>100000'
    -- END as bucket
    -- FROM
    -- algorand.core.ez_transfer transfers
    -- LEFT JOIN
    -- algorand.core.dim_label labels
    -- ON
    -- transfers.tx_sender = labels.address
    -- WHERE
    -- block_timestamp::date BETWEEN (CURRENT_DATE - 30) AND (CURRENT_DATE - 1)
    -- AND asset_id = 31566704
    -- AND amount > 0
    -- ),
    -------------------------------------------------- Arbitrum --------------------------------------------------
    Arbitrum AS (
    tx_hash AS tx,
    from_address AS user,
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