theericstoneWeekly Swap Transactions copy
    Updated 2024-07-24
    -- forked from hess / Weekly Swap Transactions @

    with swap as (
    select date(block_timestamp) as date, tx_hash, trader, symbol_out, symbol_in , token_in_contract, TOKEN_OUT_CONTRACT, concat(symbol_in,'/',symbol_out) as pair
    from near.defi.ez_dex_swaps
    where PLATFORM ilike '%ref-finance.near'
    and block_timestamp::date >= '2024-01-01'
    final as ( select date, trader,
    count(DISTINCT(tx_hash)) as total_tx,count(DISTINCT(trader)) as total_user
    from swap
    group by 1 ,2)

    select trunc(date,'week') as weekly, count(DISTINCT(trader)) as total_user,
    sum(total_tx) as total_txs, avg(total_tx) as avg_tx,
    sum(total_txs) over (order by weekly asc) as cum_tx
    from final
    group by 1

    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived