Mrftidoubtful-copper copy
    Updated 19 hours ago
    -- forked from doubtful-copper @

    with tbl as
    ORIGIN_FROM_ADDRESS as "Borrower",
    count (distinct tx_hash) as "Total Flashloans",
    sum (FLASHLOAN_AMOUNT_USD) as "Total Flashloan (USD)"
    from avalanche.defi.ez_lending_flashloans
    group by 1
    having sum (FLASHLOAN_AMOUNT_USD) > 0
    order by 3 desc

    when "Total Flashloans" =1 then 'Tier1: only 1 Flashloan'
    when "Total Flashloans" > 1 and "Total Flashloans" < 6 then 'Tier2: 2-5 Flashloans'
    when "Total Flashloans" >= 6 and "Total Flashloans" < 11 then 'Tier3: 6-10 Flashloans'
    when "Total Flashloans" >= 11 and "Total Flashloans" < 101 then 'Tier4: 11-100 Flashloans'
    when "Total Flashloans" >= 101 then 'Tier5: +100 Flashloans' end as "Tier",
    count (DISTINCT "Borrower") AS "Total Borrowers"

    from tbl
    group by 1
    order by 1 asc