theericstonenear project users
    Updated 2023-10-13
    -- forked from mamad-5XN3k3 / 2023-06-26 05:08 AM user @

    -- forked from 2023-06-26 05:08 AM @

    with labeled as (
    select *
    date_trunc('week', block_timestamp)::date as date,
    project_name as project,
    count(distinct TX_HASH) as txs,
    count(distinct TX_SIGNER) as users,
    rank() over (partition by date order by users desc) as rank
    from near.core.fact_transactions
    join near.core.dim_address_labels on TX_RECEIVER = address
    where block_timestamp >= '{{starting_date}}'
    and tx_status='Success'
    and PROJECT_NAME is not null
    group by 1,2
    order by 1 asc)
    where rank <= 12

    kaikai as (
    select date_trunc(week, block_timestamp)::date as date,
    'kaikai' as project,
    count(distinct tx_hash) as txs,
    count(distinct tx_signer) as users
    from near.core.fact_transactions
    where tx_status='Success'
    and block_timestamp >= '{{starting_date}}'
    and tx_signer ilike '%users.kaiching'
    group by 1,2
    order by 2 asc

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