0xHaM-d$LONK Top Holders Type
    Updated 2024-06-09
    -- forked from Power Users Among $LONK Top Holders @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/edit/queries/1d3afa54-f2ac-4d21-bdb5-5ba90b22fce2

    -- forked from MoDeFi / $LONK Top Holders @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/MoDeFi/q/62OpG-ovnCe1/lonk-top-holders

    with panicked_txs as (
    select tx_hash
    from near.core.fact_receipts
    where STATUS_VALUE:Failure is not null
    and block_timestamp::date>'2023-10-28'
    group by 1),

    succeeded_txs as (
    select tx_hash as tx
    from near.core.fact_transactions
    where tx_succeeded=true
    and block_timestamp::date>'2023-10-28'
    -- and tx_hash not in (select tx_hash from panicked_txs)

    price as (
    value[0]::string as hour,
    value[1]::float as price
    from (select livequery.live.udf_api('https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/api/queries/7ea1cb32-d9b9-4f97-89f2-ae4fda842f00/latest-run')
    as response), lateral FLATTEN (input => response:data:result:rows)),

    date_start as (
    with dates AS (
    SELECT CAST('2023-10-28' AS DATE) AS start_date
    SELECT DATEADD(day, 1, start_date)
    FROM dates
    WHERE start_date < CURRENT_DATE())
    SELECT date_trunc(day, start_date) AS start_date
    FROM dates),

    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived