Fuse Pool USDC Allocation
May 23, 2022 - Q2. How are the tokens in the USDC Vault being allocated into the various Fuse Pools?
UST Competitive Advantages
Apr 30, 2022 - Question: Why would a user choose to transact using UST over DAI (and vice versa)?
LUNA & Drawdowns
Apr 13, 2022 - Q180. Evaluate the price performance of LUNA following liquidation-inducing drawdowns. What is the average time (days) for LUNA to recover its previous price level. How does this period change relative to the size of the drawdown (in percentage terms)?
Transactional Nature
Mar 25, 2022 - Q171. In your own words, briefly explain how UST transaction volume relates to fees paid to stakers. Then, create a graph to show the fees derived from UST transactions and native swaps.
Successful Bids on Kujira
Apr 11, 2022 - Q178. Determine the total unique users placing bids on Kujira since its inception. Compare bids on bLUNA vs bETH. What portion of these users are seeing their bids filled?
Highest Sales Volume
Jun 13, 2022 - Q1. Which 3 NFT collections have the most total sales volume in the last 60 days on NFTX? These are transactions where someone redeems their NFTX tokens for a specific NFT.
Gain or Lose
Jun 14, 2022 - Q10. Of the stakers that have swapped ETH to stETH, how much ETH did they gain or lose depending on the peg of stETH to ETH at the time of the swap? Repeat the same analysis for stakers who have swapped stETH to ETH; how much ETH did they gain or lose?
Bots and success rate
Apr 27, 2022 - Compare the success rate of transactions executed by bots in the past 60 days with average users' transactions in the same time period. Is there any difference and any trends identifiable?
Getting Started with Terra Bounties
Mar 24, 2022 - Question: Find all transactions delegating LUNA to Flipside on the day you completed the Terra Scavenger Hunt, make a chart that visualizes those transactions, and highlight your delegation transaction in a different colour.
Let it burn!
Apr 23, 2022 - Find the week that the most volume of Luna burning happened. What caused this event? Show some effects this burning had on the Terra ecosystem in your opinion.
Scanner Sweep
Apr 6, 2022 - Q175. Bounty question #157 was to create a dashboard to show the health of the Terra ecosystem. For this bounty, your job is to write a succinct one-page summary or summary dashboard assessing a submission of your choice for the Acme of Skill bounty (#157). Grand prize winners will compare at least two of these submissions.
Sushi rewards distribution
Apr 23, 2022 - Sushi’s “merkle distributor” is the contract that is used to distribute the rewards in SUSHI to eligible users. There was a vesting period of 27 weeks during which the rewards were gradually being assigned to users. But the vesting period finished on Oct 12th 2021 at 7:10 PM EDT. After this time, users should call the “merkle distributor” in order to withdraw their rewards because no more reward is being vested. How much in total has been distributed so far? (A daily chart could help too) How much is left to distribute today? What percentage of eligible addresses have not claimed anything so far? How many eligible addresses have not claimed anything so far? What percentage of the eligible addresses are dead addresses (A dead wallet is a wallet that has not executed any transaction in the last 3 months).
A World Without Anchor
May 1, 2022 - Question: Imagine a world without Anchor, what would be the impact on Terra ecosystem Focus on UST Growth, User Growth, Impact on Market Module. Create Charts & Dashboards to back your analysis.
How Relevant is Justin Sun?
May 2, 2022 - Justin Sun has recently announced an algorithmic stablecoin, USDD, with 30% yield. Sun has announced plans to backstop USDD with $10B of crypto as collateral, matching the Luna Foundation Guard (LFG). Do a deep dive, conduct research, and provide a well-researched conclusion to the burning questions: is Justin Sun for real? Is USDD likely to accrue significant backing? How will its 30% offering fare over time?
LUNA Market Cap
May 8, 2022 - Q201. Back to basics! Display the LUNA price and market cap trend over 30, 60, 90 days; the past year; and all time.
Bot Swappers
Apr 27, 2022 - Question: Define bot swappers. How does the behaviour of bots differ from average swappers? For instance in terms of number of swaps, or in terms of distribution of swaps over a day. What percentage of swaps were executed by bots in the past 30 days? What pools and what pairs were most popular among bot swappers in the past 30 days.
State of State (redux)
Apr 5, 2022 - Many bounties come from Terra clients. This time, Flipside is the client! Review the existing Terra Console for accuracy. Accuracy: Are there any data errors you can identify? Usefulness: Is there anything missing that would be critical for new users to Terra?
Weighted-Average LP Duration
Apr 29, 2022 - What is the average duration of liquidity held in each pool, weighted by the size of the LP?
Nebula Scavenger Hunt!
Apr 29, 2022 - Providing UST into the Nebula Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool.
Market Volatility II
May 25, 2022 - Q83. Analyze the effects of the recent spike in market volatility on the sushi token. - What was the supply and demand dynamic for it? - What did the liquidity of SUSHI on uniswap and sushiswap look like? - How about the staking situation for SUSHI? Did many SUSHI’s get unstaked?
Top Kashi Pairs
May 14, 2022 - Q79. Find the top 5 Kashi pairs on Ethereum based on TVL. Choose one that you like and describe the following information: How many people are borrowing on this pair at the moment? How much collateral has each user added to the pair? How many users have already partially paid their loans?
User Growth Per Sector
May 4, 2022 - What sectors / Apps are driving user growth on Terra? Choose the top apps per sector (DEXs, Borrowing, Staking, NFTs...) and create a dashboard of user growth per sector and App. Are there any sectors/apps that are driving more user growth than others?
$THOR Staking Wallets
May 23, 2022 - Q90. Since vTHOR and THOR Staking 2.0 was released in May, we’re interested in finding out more about how the community has embraced the staking rewards. How many unique wallets have staked $vTHOR? Chart this number over time.
The Nightmare Scenario
Apr 18, 2022 - Q183. Recently, attacks have been leveled against Terra, suggesting that it is doomed to collapse as UST reaches unsustainable levels. Specifically, concerns have been raised that at a low enough LUNA price, users will no longer be able to redeem $1 of UST for $1 of LUNA. In what circumstances would the price and supply of LUNA and the supply of UST constitute a serious threat to UST redemption, i.e. create an imbalance wherein the UST-LUNA exchange mechanism would no longer function properly? What is the likelihood of such a scenario, and how might it be mitigated?
Pooly NFTs
Jun 22, 2022 - Q2. How many Pooly NFTs have been minted thus far, and by how many unique wallets? How many Pooly NFTs does the average collector hold?
Withdraw to my wallet or to my Bentobox?
Apr 23, 2022 - What percentage of users choose to withdraw directly to their wallet rather than withdrawing to bentobox when they perform a borrowing or when they withdraw from lending? Hint: look for ""LogWithdraw"" events. This event will show you what token is withdrawn from your bento address to your wallet address. In order to make sure this has been a lending or borrowing operation, you need to make sure you can find a ""Kashi medium risk"" token in other events of the same transaction.
New Addresses
Jun 1, 2022 - Q2. Draw a chart showing the number of new addresses every day on polygon (matic) network. New addresses are unique addresses that appeared for the first time in a transaction of Matic.
Validator Voting vs. Investor Inclinations
Apr 27, 2022 - Analyze the last 5 governance proposals. Out of the total Luna that voted in favor, how many % are from validators vs. retail investors for each proposal and on average? Grand Prize Worthy: are there any cases you can identify where retail voters and major validators tended to vote against each other?
The Red Planet - Analysis of Mars
Apr 5, 2022 - Q174. Define and assess two key metrics for the performance of Mars Protocol since launch. How is Mars doing, according to these metrics? Some example key metrics include: the number of depositors and borrowers, net LUNA and UST deposited and borrowed, and leverage farming strategies.
Stability Fee (May 13)
May 15, 2022 - Q4. How impactful is the stability fee (the interest rate) on DAI loans in terms of the impact on volume and dollar amount of loans taken out? How does activity with DAI tokens change when the stability fee is different?
Lost Anchor Funds
May 6, 2022 - There has been an increase in reports of new Anchor users losing funds to fraud or scam copies. Analyze the following transactions, noting any suspicious user behaviour. How did these new users lose their funds? How can this be prevented?