DeGods Ethereum Stats
Mar 30, 2023 - This dashboard is meant to get a better understanding of the DeGods activity on Ethereum
StepN Vested GMT Unlock Trackers
Jan 8, 2024 - The StepN Team, Private Investors & Advisors are allocated a certain amount of vested tokens which unlock monthly. This dashboard is meant to give an overview of what these wallets do with their received tokens.
Ben.eth - $PSYOPS
May 14, 2023 - The Twitter account of Ben.eth has announced a presale of their $PSYOPS Meme token ( Nearly no details have been shared regarding the current meme token presale. At this stage, all wallets that have sent ETH to the wallet address ‘0x91364516d3cad16e1666261dbdbb39c881dbe9ee’ took a gamble.
StepN - GST Mints & Burns
Mar 6, 2024 - On-Chain look on the Mint & Burn Rate of StepN GST tokens
Ledger Kit Exploit
Dec 14, 2023 - Ledger Connect Kit had malicious code due to a phishing attack on a former Ledger employee. Brief overview on how much was stolen on Ethereum.
StepN GMT Mints & Burns
Feb 12, 2023 - The dashboard below provides an overview of the daily GMT mints & burns performed by the StepN team Author info: Dashboard by Crypto.Edgar (Web 3 data analyst | StepN & Genopets)
y00ts Polygon Stats
Mar 28, 2023 - This dashboard is meant to get a better understanding of the y00ts activity on Polygon
StepN - Full Dashboard
Feb 23, 2023 - STEPN is a Web3 lifestyle app with inbuilt Game-Fi and Social-Fi elements. The project is a complicated combination of on- and off chain operations. The charts below should help a (potential) investor understand what's happening from an on chain point of view. If you've got any questions or requests, please send them to me through my Twitter profile (