Polygon Block Performance
Jul 27, 2022 - What is the average time between blocks on Polygon? What was the maximum and minimum recorded time between two blocks? How many transactions are done in a block on average? How do these numbers compare to L1 such as Flow or Solana, or other L2 such as Arbitrum or Optimism?
Polygon NFT
Jul 17, 2022 - Q3. How popular are NFTs on Polygon? Track daily volume over the past month/year/etc. How many Polygon users started off with NFTs? Who made the most profit?
Miso User Base
Sep 17, 2022 - Q112. Analyze the user base of Miso. How many users does it have across how many chains? Chart that by week and by month. Has the recent bear market affected that?
The Law Offices of NEAR
Aug 4, 2022 - Q7. Provide your best assessment of the number of smart contracts deployed on NEAR and clearly outline your methodology (after all, contract lawyers love clearly specified terms). Visualize the number of new smart contracts deployed over time over a time period of your choosing. What are the top 5 new smart contracts interacted in that period of your choosing?